The purpose of yoga is to blend the spirit, mind and body, to achieve the end we must be balance physical, emotional and spiritual aspect of life. We can achieve this balance through meditation, breathing and yoga postures. Asana is yoga pose, posture, or position of the body that we adopt in yoga practice. Yoga requires determination and self-discipline in order to perform these asanas. Yoga stretches offer benefits to the mind and body and bring about balanced energy flow. There are numerous poses; we will discuss it one by one.
Meditation Poses.
Meditation Poses are preferred since these poses reduce the chance of going to sleep while meditation. ?Some of the meditation poses are as follows:-
- Padmasana (Full Lotus Posture)
- ?Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
- Egyptian Pose
- Burmese Pose
Padmasana (Full Lotus Posture)
Padmasana or Full Lotus Pose
Padmasana (Full Lotus Posture) is a cross-legged sitting posture, in this posture the feet are placed on the opposing thighs. ?It is an established posture, commonly used for meditation and the position is said to resemble a lotus. This posture is adopted to encourage proper breathing for associated meditative practice and to foster physical stability.
- Sit on the floor with your head and spine erect without sagging your shoulders. Keep your legs straight in front. Bend your right knee and bring the lower leg up into a cradle. Bend the right knee and bring the right ankle to the left hip crease with the sole of the right foot facing upwards. Settle the foot into the hip crease.
- Bend the left knee and cross the left ankle over to the right hip crease with the sole of the left foot facing upwards. Repeat, with the left foot on the bottom and the right foot on top.
Tanum?nas? Meditaci?n en postura del Loto (Padmasana) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Benefits of Padmasana (Full Lotus Posture)
Benefits are as follows
- Allow the body to remain steady for long periods.
- Allows the mind to calm
- ?The posture applies pressure to the lower spine, which may facilitate relaxation.
- The breath can slow down
- Decrease in muscular tension and blood pressure.
Warning: If you feel uncomfortable or your body is not designed for this pose, do not force it. This may cause problems for you, carry out practice with any other pose.
Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose) is suitable for meditation. The Half Lotus Posture is a transitional pose for beginners who cannot sit at ease in the Lotus Posture (Padmasana). Yoga beginners can practice the Half Lotus Posture initially and change to the Lotus Posture later.
- Make a seated position and cross the legs.
- Place one foot on top of the opposite thigh.
- Place the hands on the knees. Touch the first finger with the thumb and extend the other fingers out. The hands can also be placed in front of the chest in prayer position for meditation.
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