From the ?They Just Can?t Help Themselves? file, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution?s intrepid Jim Galloway informs us that U.S. Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA), an OB-GYN, went out of his way in a local speaking appearance to express sympathy for the ?legitimate rape? comments of his former colleague Todd Akin:
And in Missouri, Todd Akin ? was asked by a local news source about rape and he said, ?Look, in a legitimate rape situation? ? and what he meant by legitimate rape was just look, someone can say I was raped: a scared-to-death 15-year-old that becomes impregnated by her boyfriend and then has to tell her parents, that?s pretty tough and might on some occasion say, ?Hey, I was raped.? That?s what he meant when he said legitimate rape versus non-legitimate rape. I don?t find anything so horrible about that. But then he went on and said that in a situation of rape, of a legitimate rape, a woman?s body has a way of shutting down so the pregnancy would not occur. He?s partly right on that?.
And I?ve delivered lots of babies, and I know about these things. It is true. We tell infertile couples all the time that are having trouble conceiving because of the woman not ovulating, ?Just relax. Drink a glass of wine. And don?t be so tense and uptight because all that adrenaline can cause you not to ovulate.? So he was partially right wasn?t he? But the fact that a woman may have already ovulated 12 hours before she is raped, you?re not going to prevent a pregnancy there by a woman?s body shutting anything down because the horse has already left the barn, so to speak. And yet the media took that and tore it apart.
Well, thanks, Phil, for that valuable expert validation of the perspective that many rape victims are actually liars and thus we shouldn?t be reluctant to force them to carry pregnancies they claim are the product of rape to term.
Now please just shut up.
Ed Kilgore is a contributing writer to the Washington Monthly. He is is managing editor for The Democratic Strategist, a senior fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute, and a Special Correspondent for The New Republic.Mayans camilla belle NASA Robert Bork instagram mark sanchez christina aguilera
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