Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Benefits of Receiving Personal Training - Healthy Living

by Richard A Haynes

Whether you are first starting out to improve your fitness levels or, are looking for a change of pace with your fitness training, than hiring a certified personal trainer is something you will want to strongly consider. It has been said that you will not live long enough to learn it all, so why not seek expert advice during your introduction to the world of fitness by obtaining a personal trainer. There is a multitude of benefits to hiring a trainer however, I have listed three reasons why personal training is the smart thing to do if you need help and guidance in getting started the right way in improving your overall health and fitness.

1. You Receive One On One Training. Today personal training has become at times not so personal. Many trainers have changed their training methods by starting boot camps and group training. If you are just starting out you will benefit from the one on one approach. The benefit here is that you get the concentrated attention you need in setting up the proper program and training advice right from the start. It also gives you time to talk and discuss what your personal goals are and become better acquainted with your trainer.

2. You Get Personal Instruction On Exercise Technique. this is an area that everyone who is just getting started in fitness needs to pay close attention to. I see in my gym countless members using poor lifting technique that can cause serious injury if not brought to their attention. Many people feel that they can cut the costs of a competent trainer by learning the lifts on their own or, getting someone to take a few moments to show them themselves. In this case you are taking a chance that the person you asks hopefully knows what they are doing.

The benefit of hiring a personal trainer is getting the proper lifting technique demonstrated to you in the first place. By not lifting correctly you either can suffer an injury or, you do not benefit from the exercises due to incorrect technique.

3. Personal Trainers Add Motivation And Discipline To Your Workouts. The problem with many of us is that we start an exercise program and if there is not someone we are accountable to, we tend to fall off the fitness wagon. Having a personal trainer as part of your fitness team, you now become accountable to them and responsible for following through until your goals are met. A good personal trainer keeps you wanting to come back for more and explains to you why it is important to continue with the program and that quitting is not an option.

The Benefits of personal training far outweigh the costs. If you are serious about improving your health or need a refresher course in your fitness training, I recommend you seriously consider the benefits of having a trainer to help you reach fitness goals.

Richard is the owner of Total Joint Fitness LLC located in Punta Gorda, Florida. Richard is also a physical therapist assistant and personal trainer for older adult fitness and rehabilitation. For more information regarding fitness prior to or, after surgery or, if you want to get healthier and work on prevention to maintain a healthier lifestyle, contact Richard at http://www.richardhaynes.com

Source: http://www.zc-ic.net/?p=3522

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