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By Chris Roberts,
The two girls, 15, and 16, did everything together. On Sunday, they died together.
Bobbie Sartain, 16, and Raquel Gerstel, 15, were shot "multiple times" at around 6 a.m. on Sunday near Brookdale Park in East Oakland, according to reports.
The two girls met in Alameda, where Raquel grew up before moving to San Leandro,?according to the Oakland Tribune. Raquel attended Arroyo High School in San Lorenzo.
For more, visit
The slaying was "overkill,"?according to police interviewed by the San Francisco Chronicle. At least 36 shots were fired, and Raquel was "full of bullets," according to a witness who arrived on scene to see the girls with multiple wounds. Raquel was "found crawling... as she cried out for help." Bobbie had bullet wounds in her face and back.
The area was known for being close to trouble spots in Oakland, but the neighborhood is described as tight-knit, and not a regular spot for violence, the newspapers reported.
Police have no motive and no suspects. The girls were Oakland's 114th and 115th homicide victims of the year.
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Gift Guide: Giving gifts with meaning
I love shopping for and giving the just-right gift, and nothing is better than a gift with real meaning. Something that not only makes the recipient happy, but helps somebody out ? a present with a dual purpose. Here are some ideas.
Give Local
More than in the past, this year I?ve seen an increased awareness and desire to buy local. Supporting local artists, artisans, services and the like helps your community grow and makes for good neighbors. I like the Miami-based Peace Love World apparel and accessories line. I think the ?I am?? collection of tops is especially fun because you can choose from a variety of labels: I am life, I am mom, I am grateful, etc.
Peace Love World I Am Grateful Top
A friend of mine owns Sparkle by Design, which puts custom crystal images and sayings on T-shirts and other items. I also recently met a woman who makes beautiful gluten-free and paleo treats, known as Schadey Snacks. Most of us know people in our cities who do great work ? let?s help them out and buy a gift from them if we can.
Give Handmade
If you can?t find the right gift to give from local businesses, you might find unique items by professional crafters/artisans. Etsy is a great place to start looking for that perfect item. Shopping handmade items helps support the ?small guy,? and your gift is more meaningful when it?s made by hand. Find an excellent list of suggested artisans here.
Give Organic
Gifts without pesticides that harm our Earth and bodies ? yes! has a variety of everyday items, but for the holidays, check out the organic gift baskets that are ready to be shipped to you or your faraway family.
Organic gift ideas
Also check out Organically Grown, EcoExpress and Taraluna for more organic, fair trade and environmentally friendly gifts.
Give Life Essentials
Donating to organizations like World Vision or Heifer International in someone?s honor is a beautiful gift for the socially minded ? and it?s a much-needed gift for someone you?ll never meet, as well.
World Vision helps people around the world (including the United States). Check out the World Vision gift catalog, where you?ll find ways to help people get clean water, wheelchairs, mosquito nets, hygiene kits, business micro-loans or help to escape human trafficking.
World Vision gift catalog
The Heifer International gift catalog lets you give a family a goat, sheep, flock of ducks or other animals to help them raise food and become self-sufficient. They also have irrigation pumps and a variety of gift baskets that are necessary for daily life.
Give Support
You could find the perfect gift for someone on your list at, which sells products that support a variety of causes: hunger, breast cancer, animals, veterans, autism, child health, literacy, women artisans and the rainforest. Many Greater Good products are fair trade and handmade items. Check out the tote and bracelet, which both support relieving hunger. You can also pay to send a girl to school in Afghanistan ? something on our minds lately because of the recent Malala Day.
Greater Good gift catalog
1000 Shillings sells hand-rolled bead jewelry made by women in Uganda that directly supports the women, who are raising money to start other businesses. At the 1000 Shillings site, you can even meet the artists. Buying a necklace for a family member or friend is a great way to help the artists support themselves and their families.
Handmade bead necklace at 1000 Shillings
Give Reading
Books are always a great gift option, especially for children. The more children read or are read to, the more they develop a love of learning. And that helps the whole of society, right? I have already bought some books for the kids in my life this Christmas. If you?re looking for ideas, how about It?s a Small World: Christmas Around the World by Calliope Glass Susan Chen Fang? ($5.99) My kids love It?s a Small World so much. They also love Mo Willems? Pigeon books, and they are going to be happy to read Don?t Let the Pigeon Finish This Activity Book! ($19.99)
Book gift ideas
You can also give a child a special picture book signed by the author! Buy one of the books listed on this page, then fill out the form to request a book plate signed by the author and sent to you to add to the book. (Don?t tell my kids, but I think they?ll each get their own signed copy of Baby Penguins Everywhere!)
Give Wild
As a nature lover and nature writer, it?s hard to witness how some of our natural areas and wildlife are taking a hit in places all over the world. Several organizations are helping conserve wild lands and species, and fighting for them. Buying gifts from these organizations ? like greeting cards, calendars, books, plush animals or jewelry ? helps fund their work for our natural world. Shop from National Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund and other groups that help our world. You can also make a donation.
I like the NWF?s mobile apps because they are digital products ? no trees or ink! ? that are fun and educational for my kids and still help support this organization. The newest app is Ranger Rick Jr.?s Appventures, which we haven?t played with yet but which looks like a versatile app. (Psst, if you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, check out Bubble Buttons to decorate the home button for a cute, easy stocking stuffer. We like ? what else? ? the Animals Pack.)
Ranger Rick Jr. Appventures
Speaking of gifts for kids that help our wildlife, Build-A-Bear?s Amur leopard and Terra-Toys gifts both help support WWF.
For ideas for gifts that promote outdoor play ? a great first step in getting kids to appreciate nature and the outdoors, not to mention helping them stay healthy ? check out the outdoor-play gift list here.
For any gift-giving occasion, it?s true that it?s the thought that counts. So let?s think about giving gifts with, well, beneficial properties. We?ll help someone and look like a rock star gift giver.
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I'm not a mortgage broker or banker, but refinancing can be a great way to save money and help you more quickly get rid of a mortgage with less favorable terms . And with interest rates near historical lows, you may be wondering whether a new loan makes sense for you.
Perhaps, but keep in mind that not all refinance offers are worth the trouble or the expense. Before making a decision, take a look at my following six do's and don'ts.1. Do Pull Your Own Credit Report and Score
Start out by pulling your credit reports so that you know exactly what a prospective lender will see. You don't want any nasty surprises, like having someone else's late payment showing up on your report by mistake or other errors that may not belong to you. Under federal law, you're entitled to one free copy per year of your report from each of the big-three credit bureaus:?Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. You get it by visiting The report won't include your FICO credit score, which is a summary of the information in your credit reports that represents your potential credit risk. It will cost you $19.95 online to get the FICO report. From a bank's perspective, typically your credit score is a reflection of what kind of risk you are....The lower your risk, the higher your credit score will be. And the higher your score, the lower your mortgage rate will be. See? 2. Do Shop Around for the Best Rates and Lowest Overall Fees In recent months, mortgage interest rates have fallen well below 4 percent for many, their lowest levels since the 1950s. But not everyone qualifies for the super-low rates. They're normally granted only to people who have excellent credit and at least 20 percent equity in their homes. So pick up the phone and start dialing lenders -- however, if you contact me, I'll refer you to the best mortgage lenders. Have your credit score in hand,?the person at the end of the call will want to know. You can also shop online at mortgage comparison sites like or, which will do the rate hunting for you just to get going. Just understand that rates change on a day-to-day basis. I suggest asking about other refinancing expenses such as loan origination points, loan discount points and lender fees such as underwriting, processing and application fees. And, the big "and", your re- finance expenses can usually be rolled into your new loan so there is no cash outlay from you. Don't focus just on the interest rate. Instead, look at the overall APR or annual percentage rate?on a loan, that way, you'll be able to make a true, apples-to-apples comparison of the overall cost of credit. Most large banks are charging lender fees ranging from about $1,200 to $1,700 for each mortgage closed. 3. Do Use Caution When Taking Cash Out - Better Yet, Do Not Cash Any Funds Out Some people use mortgage refinancing as a way of retiring higher interest debt, such as credit card balances?you borrow extra for that. While eliminating that kind of debt is a good strategy, you don't want to do a "cash out" refinance deal only to run out and charge up the credit card. The risk is that you'll end up both with big credit card balances and with a larger mortgage note that may become unaffordable. 4. Don't Let Low Rates or Teaser Rates Get You Into Trouble It's easy to want to trade in your current mortgage for a new one when it seems like everyone else has a lower rate than you or when banks are offering "teaser" rates, like adjustable rate mortgages that start off low and then reset upward. You may have family members, friends or your local, friendly banker telling you to follow the old, conventional wisdom that you should refinance whenever rates fall by at least 1 percent. Be careful as this may not be the best advice you can get. But getting a new mortgage doesn't always make economic sense. No matter what somebody's telling you, you need to run the numbers and see if a refinance is wise financially. For people who've had their mortgages for 15 years or so, and they've already locked in a low rate, refinancing may not be worth your while. That's easy to figure out, what you pay now, and what you will be paying when refinanced in the same number of years of your mortgage amortization period left in your existing mortgage - the number of years left in your existing mortgage, including the closing costs. Here's a no- brainier - you have 20 years + left on your current conventional mortgage with a 6.5% rate and a balance of $250,000 + and your credit score is 720+.? Your monthly savings could easily be $500/month. And just as you should always read the terms and conditions of any credit card offer, so should you read the fine print of a new mortgage. 5. Don't Extend the Term of Your Loan Unnecessarily In my opinion, nobody over the age of 50 should be taking out a 30-year mortgage. Who would want to be paying a mortgage in their 80s? I'd say go for 15-year loan at the current low rates, especially if you have current great income. So the strategy here folks is that instead of starting all over again with a new 30-year loan, opt for a loan with a shorter term so you can more aggressively eliminate housing debt. Right? My advice, of course, won't apply to everyone. Sometimes older Americans are struggling to just pay their bills. So if you're refinancing because you need a lower payment and if it's a choice between defaulting on a current mortgage versus taking a mortgage with a longer term, then by all means take the longer mortgage. 6. Don't Accept Surprises at the Closing Table In years past, it wasn't uncommon for borrowers to be hit with unexpected fees and rate changes when they proceeded to settlement on their loans. These days, that should not happen at all from competent mortgage lenders, thanks to recent federal laws protecting consumers in the mortgage market. For starters, you can now get a special statement 72 hours before closing. Known as the HUD-1 form, it contains an accounting of all the costs tied to your mortgage. You should carefully review it and compare the lender fees and expenses listed on your HUD-1 to the GFE, or Good Faith Estimate, that your lender initially gave you. You have specific rights. Anytime the rate on your APR changes by more than one-eighth of a percentage point, the law stipulates that a lender must re-disclose that to the consumer. And they have to re-disclose the loan at least three days prior to closing. But if you don't catch something particularly as you're signing a slew of documents during closing?you needn't worry. That's because mortgage borrowers have three days to change their minds.Richard Bazinet - Phoenix Scottsdale Real Estate - Realty ONE Group
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Rick and Lorraine have been coming to Costa Rica for the last ten years. Like good tourists they fueled the country?s top industry, tourism. And like many Canadian tourists, they fell in love with paradise.
Since their first arrival in Costa Rica, the couple made numerous visits, each time staying longer and longer. In 2007 their plans for the future to make Costa Rica home included the purchase of a lot in Guanacaste.
Last month they fulfilled their dream of living in paradise, making the final move to their adopted home, Costa Rica. In the process the couple applied for residency. Last weekend they visited the car show in Heredia and bought a car.
Having crossed off a number of items on their to do list, while in San Jos? and with new wheels to sport, it was time for a visit to the drivers licensing office in La Uruca.
Armed with the knowledge that a foreigner who had a valid driver?s license from his or her own country could obtain one in Costa Rica without the need to take a written exam or a driving test, the couple set out to the La Uruca drivers license centre for the required few hours it takes for the process. Based on all the information published on getting a drivers license in Costa Rica, where even foreigners as tourists could obtain one, they were in for a big surprise: the laws had changed, required now is legal residency!
Typically, the process was simple, the drivers license from their home country, their passport indicating the entry stamp to verify that the application was within the 90 days visitor period, the medical exam and the fee.
That is what Rick and Lorraine had envisioned their chore for their morning. But, it didn?t go that way. The couple quickly learned that they were missing one very vital document, a cedula. The new traffic law that went into effect on October 26, 2012, now requires every foreigner ? be it from the United States, Canada, Europe and Nicaragua just to name a few, requires legal residency. And the residency application is not valid enough.
This was confirmed by Consejo de Seguridad Vial (COSEVI) officials and a post on the MOPT website.
The legal residency requirement is no big deal for Rick and Lorraine and the thousands of others making or planning the move to paradise. The problem is in the timing, as it takes a year or more to obtain legal residency, but the traffic law allows only 90 days to drive on a visitor?s visa.
This unintended consequence of new the legislation leaves an entire class of foreigners, who in their zeal to become legal residents, abide by the laws of the country, are now being forced to either drive illegally (beyond their 90 days) or leave the country, thus becoming ?perpetual? tourists, a condition the Direcci?n General de Migraci?n y Extranjer?a (immigration service) has been attempting to eradicate.
In practical terms, if the foreigners want to continue to drive legally, he or she is faced with the burden of added costs of living, leaving the country every 90 days and an interruption to their life in paradise.
If one chooses not to do the travel thing, the exposure is a fine of ?280.000 colones (US$565 dollars) and six (6) points on a yet unreceived license. For each occurrence.
In addition, the new traffic law also imposes a restriction on a foreigner leaving the country if they have unpaid traffic fines. The Ley de Tr?nsito requires the COSEVI to report to the immigration service any foreigner who has unpaid traffic tickets and the immigration to deny exit, either by air, land or sea.
Imagine getting to the airport, checking into your flight, paying the $28 exit tax, ready to board and the pulled off the flight by immigration officials and for having outstanding traffic fines. And if on a Friday afternoon, the wait is until Monday for the COSEVI to process the payment and Tuesday at the earliest for immigration to be notified?
The legal status requirement was included in Article 91 b)iii, which states: Acreditar su permanencia legal en el pa?s, al amparo de la legislaci?n migratoria vigente.
This is no doubt a serious problem for many like Rick and Lorriane making or considering a move to paradise.
Harder to believe is that the requirement that was not discussed in public during the more than two years the new legislation was under study. And until a few like Rick and Lorraine made their way to the drivers licensing office and then contacted the media, this was not known to the general public.
One COSEVI official who spoke to anonymously confirmed that licensing officials were aware of the requirement for months but it wasn?t until the beginning of this month, two weeks after the enactment of the law, that they received a directive to enforce the regulation.
What we are left with, as Rick and Lorraine are painfully living it, is that foreigners who do not have residency ?cannot obtain a Costa Rica drivers license.
Although impossible to know how many will be affected and how, it certainly is to be in the thousands. And how many may just say ?to hell with it? and pass over Costa Rica?
One can understand the need for law and order. However, there has to be some common sense in the process. Either allow a residency in ?tramite? (in the process) or shorten the residency process to at least less than 90 days.
Anything short of either becomes idiomatic of an unprofitable action motivated by greed. Greed by a government that is pulling at all the strings and overturning all the rocks to generate revenue.
Talking with Rick, he has not yet become disillusioned with paradise. He and Lorraine are not bailing out just yet. But, it has generated doubts in their minds about their choice of Costa Rica.
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FILE - In this Oct. 16, 2012 file photo, President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney exchange views during the second presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. President Barack Obama will host his former political rival Mitt Romney for a private lunch at the White House Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, their first meeting since the election. (AP Photo/David Goldman, File)
FILE - In this Oct. 16, 2012 file photo, President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney exchange views during the second presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. President Barack Obama will host his former political rival Mitt Romney for a private lunch at the White House Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, their first meeting since the election. (AP Photo/David Goldman, File)
FILE - This Nov. 14, 2012 file photo shows President Barack Obama gesturing while answering a question during a news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington. The White House says President Barack Obama will meet privately Thursday with his vanquished rival Mitt Romney, their first face-to-face encounter since the election. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)
FILE - This Nov. 2, 2012 file photo shows then-Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gesturing as he speaks at a campaign stop in West Allis, Wis. The White House says President Barack Obama will meet privately Thursday with his vanquished rival Mitt Romney, their first face-to-face encounter since the election. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama will host his former political rival Mitt Romney for a private lunch at the White House Thursday, their first meeting since the election.
Obama promised in his victory speech earlier this month to engage with Romney following their bitter campaign and consider the Republican's ideas.
"In the weeks ahead, I also look forward to sitting down with Gov. Romney to talk about where we can work together to move this country forward," Obama said at the time.
Obama aides said they reached out to Romney's team shortly before Thanksgiving to start working on a date for the meeting. The two men will meet in the White House's private dining room, with no press coverage expected.
In the days after his loss, Romney told top donors that the president was re-elected because of the "gifts" Obama provided to blacks, Hispanics and young voters, all of which are core Obama constituencies.
"The president's campaign, if you will, focused on giving targeted groups a big gift," Romney said.
Many Republican officials, eager to move on quickly after the loss, disputed Romney's comments and urged the party to focus on being more inclusive.
White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama was looking forward to having a "useful discussion" with his former competitor. But he said there was no formal agenda for the lunch.
While in Washington, Romney will also meet with his former running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, according to a Romney campaign aide. Ryan is back on Capitol Hill, where he's involved in negotiations to avert a series of automatic tax increases and deep spending cuts that have come to be known as the "fiscal cliff."
Much of that debate centers on expiring tax cuts first passed by George W. Bush. Obama and Romney differed sharply during the campaign over what to do with the cuts, with the Republican pushing for them to be extended for all income earners and the president running on a pledge to let the cuts expire for families making more than $250,000 a year.
The White House sees Obama's victory as a signal that Americans support his tax proposals.
Obama and Romney's sit-down Thursday will likely be their most extensive private meeting ever. The two men had only a handful of brief exchanges before the 2012 election.
Even after their political fates became intertwined, their interactions were largely confined to the three presidential debates.
Romney has virtually disappeared from politics following his loss in the Nov. 6 election. He's spent the last three weeks largely in seclusion at his family's southern California home. He has made no public appearances, drawing media attention only after being photographed at Disneyland in addition to stops at the movies and the gym with his wife, Ann.
Former aides confirm that Romney is expected to move into an office at the Boston-area venture capital firm Solamere Capital. The firm was founded by his oldest son, Tagg Romney, and Spencer Zwick, who served as his presidential campaign's national finance chairman.
It's unclear what role, if any, Romney will play at the firm. Former aides said Romney was subletting office space from Solamere.
Steve Peoples reported from Boston.
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The PushPin Show 2012 has been scheduled in the Runyan Gallery at the Newport Visual Arts Center from December 8 through December 30. Oregon Coast Council for the Arts (OCCA) invites Lincoln County artists of all ages and levels of experience to show their artwork in the Runyan Gallery at the Newport Visual Arts Center (VAC). All Lincoln County residents including beginners, emerging artists, established professionals, craftspersons, hobbyists and dabblers, youngsters, oldsters, college students, retirees and families are invited to participate.
To enter the show, bring your artwork to the Runyan Gallery at the Newport Visual Arts Center on Friday, December 7 or Saturday, December 8 between 11 am and 4 pm. There will be volunteers ready to help you enter the show. The gallery will close promptly at 4pm on Saturday to allow OCCA to set up the opening reception that starts at 5:00pm. The Opening Reception for the artists and the community is from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on Saturday, December 8. Everyone is welcome to meet the artists and view the exhibit. Refreshments will be served.
Rules for the PushPin Show:
1) The artwork must be original. No prints or facsimiles.
2) You must be able to hang your artwork with just 4 or fewer pushpins. Each artist should hang their own work.
3) Work should be no larger than 48? x 48? so there is enough wall space for everyone.
4) This is a family oriented community show, and OCCA asks that the work be appropriate for all audiences.
5) Artwork may be for sale, and OCCA encourages you to put a price on your work. OCCA retains a 30% commission if you are an OCCA member and a 35% commission for those who are not members.
The original PushPin Show was the brainchild of local artist and art activist Jimmy Frankfort. And while it has grown over the years, it still adheres to an inclusive, all county resident?s show that exemplifies Oregon Coast Council for the Art?s mission to celebrate, promote and develop community arts. The PushPin Show brings together the resources of the VAC, the diverse talents of Lincoln County artists, and the public to celebrate and support our local art. PushPin is a great opportunity to showcase your artwork in a gallery or to purchase a piece of art.
Visitors to the PushPin Show will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite piece. The ?People?s Choice? winner and runners up, determined by votes submitted throughout the show, will be announced at the gallery opening reception on January 4, 2013.
The VAC is located at 777 NW Beach Drive on the Nye Beach Turnaround overlooking the ocean. The Runyan Gallery is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11:00am to 5:00pm. For more information please call Sally Houck, OCCA Director of the VAC, at 541-265-6569.
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The 'Nintendo Wii U' is a great device now, but it might not hold up over time.'s Todd Kenreck reviews the device. Play video
1 hr.
Winda Benedetti , NBC News
People?who want the latest game device?to hit stores?and don't mind dropping $300 or more to get it?have been busy grabbing up Nintendo's brand new Wii U game machine with its?tablet controller. But on Tuesday, the Japanese company revealed a gaming device?for those who don't mind owning older technology and need to stick to a budget.
It's called the Wii Mini???it's the older-model?Wii game machine now in a smaller size?and with a $99.99 price tag.?Alas, the Wii Mini, which launches Dec. 7, will only be available in Canada. At least for now.
Nintendo first launched its Wii game console?with motion-sensing controllers back in 2006.?Nintendo announced Tuesday that the Wii Mini is not only?smaller than the original, it?is designed only to play games???that means it's been stripped of its online capabilities (no streaming Netflix, for example) and it does not play older GameCube games.
The?Wii Mini does come come packaged with a Wii Remote Plus and a?Nunchuk controller.
Nintendo says the?Wii Mini will be available exclusively in Canada during the holiday season. What about after that? "No information is available about its potential availability in other territories in the future," Nintendo said in the?announcement.
For those living outside of Canada, Nintendo?cut the price on the standard model Wii?in advance of the Wii U launch.??You can pick up the older-model Wii?in the U.S. for $130.?
Winda Benedetti?writes?about video?games for NBC?News. You can follow her tweets about games and other things?on Twitter?here?@WindaBenedetti?and you can?follow her?on?Google+.?Meanwhile, be sure to check?out the?IN-GAME?FACEBOOK PAGE?to discuss the day's?gaming news and reviews.
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1 hr.
WASHINGTON - A gauge of planned U.S. business spending increased by the most in five months in October, but a fourth straight month of declines in shipments underscored the damage that fears of tighter fiscal policy next year are inflicting on the economy.
The Commerce Department said on Tuesday non-defense capital goods orders excluding aircraft, a closely watched proxy for business spending plans, rebounded 1.7 percent last month after falling 0.4 percent the prior month.
Economists had expected so-called core capital goods orders to fall 0.5 percent.
Shipments of non-defense capital goods orders excluding aircraft, used to calculate equipment and software spending in the gross domestic product report, slipped 0.4 percent. It was the fourth straight month of declines in shipments.
The Commerce Department said there was no indication that superstorm Sandy, which lashed the East Coast in late October, had an immediate impact on factories in that region.
Businesses are cutting back on capital spending, wary of automatic government spending cuts and tax increases, known as the fiscal cliff, that are scheduled to kick in early next year unless the U.S. Congress and the Obama administration can agree on a plan to cut the budget deficits.
The fiscal cliff could drain about $600 billion from an already fragile economy. Business spending is also being undermined by the long-running debt problems in Europe and slowing global demand, especially in China.
Despite the headwinds, the manufacturing sector continues to grow, though modestly. Durable goods orders were unchanged in October as gains in machinery, fabricated metal products, and computer and electronic products offset the drag from automobiles, defense and civilian aircraft.
Economists polled by Reuters had forecast orders for durable goods, items from toasters to aircraft that are meant to last at least three years, falling 0.6 percent last month after rising 9.2 percent in September.
Excluding transportation, orders rose 1.5 percent after increasing 1.7 percent in September.?
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Battlefield drones and robots capable of choosing their targets and firing without any human oversight won't arrive for a few decades, experts say. But a new Human Rights Watch report calls for an international ban on fully autonomous "killer robots" before they ever become a part of military arsenals around the world.
The thousands of drones and robots that the U.S. military already has deployed alongside troops are all controlled remotely by human operators, who can take responsibility if the machines accidentally injure or kill civilians. Fully autonomous robots capable of choosing targets and firing weapons on their own may come online within the next 20 or 30 years, if not sooner.
"Giving machines the power to decide who lives and dies on the battlefield would take technology too far,? said Steve Goose, the Arms Division director at Human Rights Watch. ?Human control of robotic warfare is essential to minimizing civilian deaths and injuries."
"Fully autonomous weapons" operating without oversight won't have the artificial intelligence, human judgment or empathy necessary to distinguish between armed soldiers and cowering civilians in murky battlefield conditions, Human Rights Watch says. Its joint report with Harvard Law School's International Human Rights Clinic argues robots could never follow rules of international humanitarian law. [5 Reasons to Fear Robots]
The report released on Nov. 19 suggests the following to stop the "killer robots" future:
The report also highlights concerns about the possible use of fully autonomous robots by dictators to brutally suppress their civilian populations, and about the easier decision to go to war when leaders aren't worried about troop casualties.
Robots may lack human empathy, but history already has shown that human soldiers are capable of committing the world's worst atrocities despite their supposed humanity. Ronald Arkin, a robotics researcher at Georgia Tech, even has argued that fully autonomous robots could make the battlefield safer: They wouldn't fall prey to the fatigue that can result in misidentifying targets, or to the anger that could lead to sadistic abuse of prisoners and civilians.
The U.S. military spends about $6 billion each year on developing and deploying thousands of drones and robots. Its huge arsenal includes ground robots rolling or walking along under direct human control, Reaper drones that can fly parts of their mission without human control, and robot boats capable of firing missiles.
Automatic defense weapons such as the U.S. Navy's Phalanx turret can fire thousands of rounds at incoming missiles without a human order and with only the barest human supervision. Israel's "Iron Dome" defense detects incoming threats and asks human operators to make a split-second decision on whether to give the command to fire missiles that can intercept enemy rockets and artillery shells.
Both Israel and South Korea also have deployed robot sentry turrets that could, in theory, operate on automatic mode.
This story was provided by TechNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. Follow TechNewsDaily on Twitter @TechNewsDaily, or on Facebook.
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GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Congo said on Sunday it would not negotiate with M23 rebels in the east until they pulled out of the city of Goma, but a rebel spokesman said Kinshasa was in no position to set conditions on peace talks.
Congolese President Joseph Kabila met with M23 for the first time on Saturday after an urgent summit in Uganda where regional leaders gave M23 two days to leave Goma, which the rebels seized six days ago after U.N.-backed government troops melted away.
Eight months into a rebellion that U.N. experts say is backed by neighboring Rwanda, the rebels have so far shown no sign of quitting the lakeside city of one million people.
The rebels say they plan to march on other cities in the east, and then strike out across the country to the capital Kinshasa, across 1,000 miles of dense jungle with few roads, a daunting feat achieved 15 years ago by Kabila's father.
Amani Kabasha, a spokesman for M23's political arm, welcomed the meeting with Kabila but questioned the government's resolve to end a crisis that risks engulfing the region.
"Why put conditions on talks? You pose conditions when you are in a position of strength. Is the government really in such a position?" Kabasha told Reuters in Goma, which sits on the north shore of Lake Kivu at Congo's eastern border with Rwanda.
Vianney Kazarama, the rebels' military spokesman, said government forces that had been reinforcing along the shores of the lake were now deploying in hills around the rebel held town of Sake and government-held Minova, both Goma's west.
A U.N. source in Minova said government soldiers had gone on a looting spree for a second straight night there. The town was calm on Sunday but gunshots rang out overnight, the source said.
"What is real is that the morale of the troops is very low. They've lost hope in the commanders," the U.N. source said.
The Congolese army has vowed to launch counter-offensives and win back lost territory. The rebels have warned the government against embarking on a "new military adventure".
So far, the unruly and poorly-led army has been little match for the rebels, despite assistance from a U.N. peacekeeping mission that deployed attack helicopters to support the government before Goma fell.
Rebel leaders share ethnic ties with the Tutsi leadership of Rwanda, a small but militarily capable neighbor that intervened often in eastern Congo in the 18 years since Hutu perpetrators of Rwanda's genocide took shelter there. Rwanda has repeatedly denied Congolese and U.N. accusations it is behind M23.
Saturday's Kampala summit called on the rebels to abandon their aim of toppling the government and proposed that government troops be redeployed inside Goma.
The rebels have not explicitly rejected or accepted the proposals. They are, however, unlikely to cede control of the city or accept government soldiers inside it.
Regional and international leaders are trying to halt the latest bout of violence in eastern Congo, where millions have died of hunger and disease in nearly two decades of fighting fuelled by local and regional politics, ethnic rifts and competition for reserves of gold, tin and coltan.
"Negotiations will start after the (M23) withdrawal from Goma," Congolese government spokesman Lambert Mende said.
Kabila was still in the Ugandan capital on Sunday morning but was expected to return to Kinshasa later in the day or on Monday, two Congo government sources said. Kabila's communications chief Andre Ngwej said he did not believe official talks would start in the next few days.
While Kabila's army is on the back foot, analysts are skeptical the rebels can make good on their threat to march on Kinshasa without major support from foreign backers.
The regional leaders' plan proposed deploying a joint force at Goma airport comprising of a company of neutral African troops, a company of the Congolese army (FARDC) and a company of the M23.
In a statement, the Kinshasa government said Tanzania would take command of the neutral force and that South Africa had offered "substantial" logistical and financial contributions towards it. The Kampala plan did not say what the consequences would be if the rebels did not comply.
(Writing by Richard Lough; Editing by James Macharia and Peter Graff)
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Who says big companies can't be bros when it comes to trademarks? Since Apple had no need for its Lightning connector to appear on "motorcycle parts, slot machines or tachometers," it buddied up with Harley Davidson to secure partial use of the cycle maker's IP for its new iDevice interface, according to recent info from the European trademark office. That allowed it to use a name that's sympatico with its Thunderbolt moniker, while presumably letting Harley retain the rights for its heavier metal accessories. Also, should Cook & co. run up against a mid-life crisis, at least they'll have quick relief on speed-dial.
Filed under: Peripherals, Apple
Via: Gizmodo
Source: OHIM (European trademark office)
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>> a lot of warmth, though, from this crowd.
>> a lot of warm smiles. people with strange mustaches. i'm carl quintanilla here with erica hill . lester has the morning off. coming up in this half-hour, have you ever gone to the mall planning to spend a certain amount of money and you walk out spending twice as much?
>> yeah, i do that at target a lot.
>> target, anywhere. coming up, we'll reveal what some of your favorite retailers are actually doing to get you to spend more of your crash. some interesting mind games going on.
>> obviously, that's their goal. ours is to save some. happy to have those hints coming up. also, we'll switch gears a little bit this morning when we introduce you to a young woman who has really become an inspiration for so many. she's battling cancer, diagnosed at just 22 years old when she was living what she thought was the perfect life . she turned the situation around and she's helping others.
>>> a bit later this morning, a legal uproar over a sentencing handed down by a judge in oklahoma who ordered a teenager convicted of causing a deadly car crash not to ten years of prison, but to a decade of church instead.
>> interesting legal bats on that front, too.
>>> meantime, today, as you know, small business saturday. a chance to give your favorite mom and pop store a boost of business. here in this area, badly needed in the wake of hurricane sandy. joining us more to talk more about that is new york city mayor michael bloomberg . welcome.
>> thank you. welcome to small business saturday.
>> good to be here. we all know what the city has been through over the past few weeks. you have an announcement regarding some of those businesses that even still can't open.
>> number one, small business saturday is the creation of american express . they've done a wonderful thing helping small businesses grow in this city. small businesses account for 98% of all businesses. they employ 50% of the people in this city. 2/3 of them have five employees or less. they really are the job creators for new york city . new york city has gotten back 200% of the jobs lost during the recession. the country has only gotten back 40% and it's really all been in small businesses . small businesses are the ones in your neighborhood that let you really find good values, get somebody that knows what you need , understands your culture, and it's very important, a lot of them, however, got very badly hurt from hurricane sandy.
>> this is something i know you helped spearhead in new york city , to help a lot of these with .
>> we've raised $40 million privately to match loans. our small business services can provide you with ways to get around the paper work. we have an exemption of sales tax. you have to buy things to get your business back going again. those kinds of things.
>> where are you shopping on small business saturday?
>> well, i've got a small business in my neighborhood. i eat in small restaurants. i'm going to get gifts for my daughters.
>> you run a small business . or at least it used to be small.
>> it started small anyway. thank goodness it's not anymore. that's how we pay the bills.
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We reported just last week that Amazon were slashing the prices of their Kindle range for Black Friday, and it seems things have paid off for them. Kindle sales this weekend have been triple compared to previous Black Friday's, the retailer today announced. With the 7-inch tablet market bursting at the seams, it will be interesting to see if we get some sales figures from Google regarding its competing Nexus 7, now that we have both Wifi-only and 3G flavors available. (In October, ASUS said the tablet moved 1 million units.)
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You can catch the full press release below.
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